In 2019, InGuardians started a monthly webinar series and hosted one webinar a month. It’s been a great experience for our team, and we hope you enjoyed it as well. Here’re the most popular webinars in 2019
Hacking And Hardening Kubernetes
Panelist: Jay Beale, CTO, InGuardians
Scanners, Tunnels, and Sims, Oh My!
Panelist: Justin Searle, Director of ICS Security, InGuardians
Packet Ninjutsu
Panelist: Mike Poor, President, Senior Security Analyst, InGuardians
Red Team Primer For Executives
Panelists: InGuardians Offensive Security Team
Purple Team Primer
Panelists: Rob CurtinSeufert, Senior Security Consultant, InGuardians
David Mayer, Senior Security Consultant, InGuardians
Jarrod Frates, Senior Security Analyst, InGuardians
Thomas Hutchison, Security Systems Administrator, InGuardians
Larry Pesce, Senior Managing Consultant, Director of Research, InGuardians
Mike Poor, President, Senior Security Analyst, InGuardians
The rest of our webinars are now available on our YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe to watch them as soon as they are released.
We are taking a slightly different approach in 2020 – we will be releasing webinars once a quarter, filled with awesome educational content, hands-on demos and more! If you have any suggestions – feel free to reach out at webinars(at)inguardians(dot)com. And make sure to sign up for our weekly newsletter and receive updates for upcoming webinars, talks, and events