Jun 19, 2017 | Brief
06/19/2017 Nation-states in the ransomware business Issue Nation states are now confirmed to be using ransomware campaigns to fund state coffers. British National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) reported this week that the WannaCry ransomware attack was launched from...
Mar 3, 2017 | Webinars
Cloudflare revealed a serious bug in its software in February, which caused sensitive data like passwords, cookies, authentication tokens to spill in plaintext from websites using Cloudflare Content Delivery Network (CDN). Join this panel of experts and learn: –...
Sep 8, 2016 | Webinars
Cybersecurity expert Jay Beale will provide a State of the Industry look into theft and exposure of huge data sets of PII (personally identifiable information) and PEI (personally embarrassing and exposing information). Join this presentation and learn about the...