Strava heatmap exposes sensitive military bases invokes the law of unintended consequences. Issue Something as innocuous as a running application paired with cloud access and GPS location data allowed users to identify sensitive military and government bases and...
Kaspersky anti-virus removed from two GSA Schedules Kaspersky Anti-Virus (AV) has been removed from two GSA (Government Services Administration) schedules, due to concerns that the Kremlin may use Kaspersky products to compromise US Government computers. A commonly...
Internet of Things devices are notoriously lacking in security, making them easy targets for attackers to hijack and leverage in DDoS attacks. How have cyber attacks evolved in the last few months? What is the impact of the IoT devices on cybersecurity across...
– Broadcast LIVE from Las Vegas during Black Hat 2017 – Disruptors and visionaries across the globe are pushing the boundaries of science and technology, economics and industry, healthcare, policy, communications, and governance. From these advances emerge...