Dec 27, 2018 | Presentations
Larry Pesce will discuss Software Defined Radio platforms and how they can expose us new wireless protocols. He will examine a few interesting software packages (with demos) to begin our exploration of the RF spectrum and also discuss what the advent of SDR can...
Dec 27, 2018 | Presentations
PCAP for fun and profit will discuss common tools and uses for packet capture, packet analysis and packet crafting. Whether you are a pentester or investigator, packet tools are your friend. Use them to pull credentials off the wire, sling packets or look for new...
Dec 27, 2018 | Kubernetes, Presentations
A special mini presentation by Jay Beale for this year’s KringleCon Holiday Hack Challenge. ...
Dec 12, 2018 | Blog, Kubernetes
Jay Beale created two tools used by hundreds of thousands of individuals, companies and governments, Bastille Linux and the Center for Internet Security’s first Linux/UNIX scoring tool. He has led training classes on Linux security at the Black Hat, CanSecWest,...
Dec 11, 2018 | Kubernetes, Presentations
Our CTO, Jay Beale, delivered a talk last week on Kubernetes Attack and Defense, with demonstrations. You can find the slides, including Youtube links to all demonstration videos and CTF walkthrough at:...