Dec 27, 2018 | Kubernetes, Presentations
A special mini presentation by Jay Beale for this year’s KringleCon Holiday Hack Challenge. ...
Dec 12, 2018 | Blog, Kubernetes
Jay Beale created two tools used by hundreds of thousands of individuals, companies and governments, Bastille Linux and the Center for Internet Security’s first Linux/UNIX scoring tool. He has led training classes on Linux security at the Black Hat, CanSecWest,...
Sep 14, 2018 | Kubernetes, Videos
In this talk, we will demonstrate attacks on Kubernetes clusters, discuss defenses, then demonstrate how those defenses break the attacks. Come begin your training in Kubernetes attack and defense! The number of companies moving to a microservices model appears to be...
Jun 28, 2018 | Kubernetes, Presentations, Webinars
Container orchestration tools are all the buzz right now. It almost seems like every company in the DevOps modality is either using or moving to Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, or one of their competitors. In this on-demand webinar, InGuardians CTO, Jay Beale, will hack a...
Mar 20, 2018 | Presentations, Webinars
Everywhere from DevOps to traditional system administrators, IT teams are looking to harness Docker and Kubernetes to reap the productivity and innovation potential of Linux containers. But, just as with the move from on-prem to cloud resources, providing security for...