Oct 25, 2019 | Blog, Presentations
Backup Operator accounts are ubiquitous and often overlooked by both blue and red teams. These accounts have abusable permissions and are rarely maintained properly. In this webinar, we will examine and demonstrate novel techniques to stealthily compromise Active...
Jul 24, 2019 | Presentations, Videos
Presenter: Justin Searle, Director of ICS Security, InGuardians; Senior Instructor, SANS Institute When it comes to testing and analyzing ICS communications in your lab, what is even better than getting your hands on tools from your engineers? Easy. Having your own...
Dec 27, 2018 | Presentations
PCAP for fun and profit will discuss common tools and uses for packet capture, packet analysis and packet crafting. Whether you are a pentester or investigator, packet tools are your friend. Use them to pull credentials off the wire, sling packets or look for new...
Dec 6, 2018 | Presentations
Josh Wright debuts KillerBee: an attack framework designed to explore vulnerabilities in ZigBee and wireless sensor networks.In this presentation, Josh examines how ZigBee technology interacts with the kinetic world in scary ways, exploring vulnerabilities in the...